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Russia and Iran in Syria
Bob Seger Wrote:Uh, maybe if you got your head out of your hind end long enough to think, you could figure out that (though it may not be officially declared by congress), we are at war with the terrorist regime of Iran.

Maybe it's just too simple for you egg headed liberals to understand that you don't fund your enemy when you are actively engaged in war.

Saudi Arabia is responsible for more jihadist thought than Iran.

The United States is NOT unofficially at war with Iran.

Everything that flows out of your head and onto the screen is extremist. Your crayon box has two colors.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Saudi Arabia is responsible for more jihadist thought than Iran.

The United States is NOT unofficially at war with Iran.

Everything that flows out of your head and onto the screen is extremist. Your crayon box has two colors.

See, I told you that it was you egg heads that are too dumb to figure out the very simplest of things. Yes we are at war with the terrorist state sponsored terrorism that Iran promotes and sponsors.

Of course I really didn't think that anyone who flys the "Death to America" banner would actually come out and agree with anything that involved common sense.

It must be a common trait with liberals to not have enough sense to get in out of the rain. You people are dumb as sticks.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Had the Shah become in Iran, at the time of the Revolution, a corrupt puppet of the United States who was guilty of crimes against his own people? The answer is yes. A majority of people in Iran, and elsewhere in the Middle East view the United States as that family member who is always maneuvering and manipulating so that everything turns and flows to his/her advantage.

"America is great because America is good."

"America is a colonizing evil force corrupted beyond redemption by power and greed."

Must we sit down at one or the other end of the continuum? Nations, made up of people, and like people, are complex intertwinements and interactions of good and bad. There are no exceptions, though there are different directions on the continuum.

If the suggestion is that there are no moderates left in Iran, no people left willing to engage with the West, that does not square with reports I have seen.
Yeah boy, I'll just bet you have clearance on intel reports...Confusednicker:

You read that in The Death to America Journal that you subscribe to? The Jihadist Times? Perhaps you read the Iranian Best selling book, How to Make a Fool out of an American Liberal in 10 Easy Steps?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Had the Shah become in Iran, at the time of the Revolution, a corrupt puppet of the United States who was guilty of crimes against his own people? The answer is yes. A majority of people in Iran, and elsewhere in the Middle East view the United States as that family member who is always maneuvering and manipulating so that everything turns and flows to his/her advantage.

"America is great because America is good."

"America is a colonizing evil force corrupted beyond redemption by power and greed."

Must we sit down at one or the other end of the continuum? Nations, made up of people, and like people, are complex intertwinements and interactions of good and bad. There are no exceptions, though there are different directions on the continuum.

If the suggestion is that there are no moderates left in Iran, no people left willing to engage with the West, that does not square with reports I have seen.
You are a not so artful dodger. The question, which you did not answer, is whether pallets loaded with cash and paid to the terrorist thugs who are in charge of Iran will be of any benefit to the moderates in that country. Obama has consistently sided with the hard line Muslim terrorists in Iran and refused to aid the moderates who would bring reform to their country instead of shouting, "Death to America!" on every major holiday and on days whose names end with "day."

Obama has broken the law, negotiated the payment of ransoms in cash to the largest funder of terrorism in the world - and you are defending his actions.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Had the Shah become in Iran, at the time of the Revolution, a corrupt puppet of the United States who was guilty of crimes against his own people? The answer is yes. A majority of people in Iran, and elsewhere in the Middle East view the United States as that family member who is always maneuvering and manipulating so that everything turns and flows to his/her advantage.

"America is great because America is good."

"America is a colonizing evil force corrupted beyond redemption by power and greed."

Must we sit down at one or the other end of the continuum? Nations, made up of people, and like people, are complex intertwinements and interactions of good and bad. There are no exceptions, though there are different directions on the continuum.

If the suggestion is that there are no moderates left in Iran, no people left willing to engage with the West, that does not square with reports I have seen.

You might as well put up a REVISIONIST AT WORK sign. The so-called 'students' responsible for illegally kidnapping and incarcerating US diplomats and otherwise fomenting insurrection were likely not students at all. Though there could have been a mix of military sympathetic to the Ayatollah and the most promising from among the Muslim Students of the Imam Khomeini Line. In any case they were radicalized Islamists who like their brethren of this day, were anything but peaceful, or protestors. They were anarchists.

The Shah brought unprecedented wealth and prosperity to the nation of Iran, which the hard line Islamists saw as making Iran too westernized. Ousting the Shah was a coup d'état if anything. But nobody on here made the most remote of inferences that there are no moderates left in Iran. Who really knows? If there are any, they're burrowed up deep in the safest place they could find, cause they know this President is not about to do the first thing for them. I know what they do have though. A government run by radical Islamists, which our own intel community tells us are the chief sponsor of terror on the planet. A government with designs BTW, on eradicating the nations of Israel and the US.

So now we come to the absurd. You're on here behaving like the Lord would have us lay down like placid faced flower children and get run over by the very people who are THE sworn enemies of His chosen people, the Jew. Genesis 12:1-3 (KJV)
1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
Acts 2:39 (KJV)
39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

So if you truly want to help the cause instead of wasting so much time on the internet in trying to un-convert people like me, why don't you try a missionary trip to Iran? I'm certain you'd be well received. But yeah, if you want to send untraceable cash to thugs who want to it to kill every Christian in God's Church, put me waaay over on the other end of the continuum. What ever in the heck that is.
TheRealThing Wrote:You might as well put up a REVISIONIST AT WORK sign. The so-called 'students' responsible for illegally kidnapping and incarcerating US diplomats and otherwise fomenting insurrection were likely not students at all. Though there could have been a mix of military sympathetic to the Ayatollah and the most promising from among the Muslim Students of the Imam Khomeini Line. In any case they were radicalized Islamists who like their brethren of this day, were anything but peaceful, or protestors. They were anarchists.

The Shah brought unprecedented wealth and prosperity to the nation of Iran, which the hard line Islamists saw as making Iran too westernized. Ousting the Shah was a coup d'état if anything. But nobody on here made the most remote of inferences that there are no moderates left in Iran. Who really knows? If there are any, they're burrowed up deep in the safest place they could find, cause they know this President is not about to do the first thing for them. I know what they do have though. A government run by radical Islamists, which our own intel community tells us are the chief sponsor of terror on the planet. A government with designs BTW, on eradicating the nations of Israel and the US.

So now we come to the absurd. You're on here behaving like the Lord would have us lay down like placid faced flower children and get run over by the very people who are THE sworn enemies of His chosen people, the Jew. Genesis 12:1-3 (KJV)
1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
Acts 2:39 (KJV)
39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

So if you truly want to help the cause instead of wasting so much time on the internet in trying to un-convert people like me, why don't you try a missionary trip to Iran? I'm certain you'd be well received. But yeah, if you want to send untraceable cash to thugs who want to it to kill every Christian in God's Church, put me waaay over on the other end of the continuum. What ever in the heck that is.


Right on the money , TRT.
⬆⬆ The April 2016 elections in Iran saw those more moderate candidates make significant gains.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You are a not so artful dodger. The question, which you did not answer, is whether pallets loaded with cash and paid to the terrorist thugs who are in charge of Iran will be of any benefit to the moderates in that country. Obama has consistently sided with the hard line Muslim terrorists in Iran and refused to aid the moderates who would bring reform to their country instead of shouting, "Death to America!" on every major holiday and on days whose names end with "day."

Obama has broken the law, negotiated the payment of ransoms in cash to the largest funder of terrorism in the world - and you are defending his actions.

The facts of the April elections in Iran speak to what President Obama's policies in Iran are doing in the minds of Iran's more moderate minds.
Bob Seger Wrote:Yeah boy, I'll just bet you have clearance on intel reports...Confusednicker:

You read that in The Death to America Journal that you subscribe to? The Jihadist Times? Perhaps you read the Iranian Best selling book, How to Make a Fool out of an American Liberal in 10 Easy Steps?

"Let's see, the black one or the white one. I like my two crayons."
TheRealThing Wrote:You might as well put up a REVISIONIST AT WORK sign. The so-called 'students' responsible for illegally kidnapping and incarcerating US diplomats and otherwise fomenting insurrection were likely not students at all. Though there could have been a mix of military sympathetic to the Ayatollah and the most promising from among the Muslim Students of the Imam Khomeini Line. In any case they were radicalized Islamists who like their brethren of this day, were anything but peaceful, or protestors. They were anarchists.

The Shah brought unprecedented wealth and prosperity to the nation of Iran, which the hard line Islamists saw as making Iran too westernized. Ousting the Shah was a coup d'état if anything. But nobody on here made the most remote of inferences that there are no moderates left in Iran. Who really knows? If there are any, they're burrowed up deep in the safest place they could find, cause they know this President is not about to do the first thing for them. I know what they do have though. A government run by radical Islamists, which our own intel community tells us are the chief sponsor of terror on the planet. A government with designs BTW, on eradicating the nations of Israel and the US.

So now we come to the absurd. You're on here behaving like the Lord would have us lay down like placid faced flower children and get run over by the very people who are THE sworn enemies of His chosen people, the Jew. Genesis 12:1-3 (KJV)
1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
Acts 2:39 (KJV)
39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

So if you truly want to help the cause instead of wasting so much time on the internet in trying to un-convert people like me, why don't you try a missionary trip to Iran? I'm certain you'd be well received. But yeah, if you want to send untraceable cash to thugs who want to it to kill every Christian in God's Church, put me waaay over on the other end of the continuum. What ever in the heck that is.

What does a missionary trip to Iran have to do with the fact that President Obama's policies influenced the gains more moderate minds made in Iran's April elections?

The promises made to Abraham used to harvest political hay in debate? Precisely what I'm talking about. Your religion co-opted by your politics.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:What does a missionary trip to Iran have to do with the fact that President Obama's policies influenced the gains more moderate minds made in Iran's April elections?

The promises made to Abraham used to harvest political hay in debate? Precisely what I'm talking about. Your religion co-opted by your politics.

lol, Yeah Boy!!!

Speed boats buzzing our ships of war, ransom money, sponsor of more terror..

Yes sir, what an influence our leader is....They laugh at the mention of the name Barrack, as does the whole world...just like we all laugh at you and your dumbass comments...

Hey Ahmed, with your Death to America banner hanging high, you are a fool, if you buy into the stupidity that you put on here.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"Let's see, the black one or the white one. I like my two crayons."

The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Had the Shah become in Iran, at the time of the Revolution, a corrupt puppet of the United States who was guilty of crimes against his own people? The answer is yes. A majority of people in Iran, and elsewhere in the Middle East view the United States as that family member who is always maneuvering and manipulating so that everything turns and flows to his/her advantage.

"America is great because America is good."

"America is a colonizing evil force corrupted beyond redemption by power and greed."

Must we sit down at one or the other end of the continuum? Nations, made up of people, and like people, are complex intertwinements and interactions of good and bad. There are no exceptions, though there are different directions on the continuum.

If the suggestion is that there are no moderates left in Iran, no people left willing to engage with the West, that does not square with reports I have seen.

How about sharing that top secret info with us there, Dr. Ahmed Kissinger? You seem to be the knower of all knowledge, but the revealer of none.

Or are you just running off at the mouth again about things that you have no clue about?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:The facts of the April elections in Iran speak to what President Obama's policies in Iran are doing in the minds of Iran's more moderate minds.
The term "moderate," has been so abused by Obama and the liberals when they speak about Muslims, the word has become essentially meaningless. The mullahs have the real power in Iran. The so-called moderates will be shouting, "Death to America!" on command
, just as the "radicals" they replaced did before them.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The term "moderate," has been so abused by Obama and the liberals when they speak about Muslims, the word has become essentially meaningless. The mullahs have the real power in Iran. The so-called moderates will be shouting, "Death to America!" on command
, just as the "radicals" they replaced did before them.

Perhaps Ahmed Sombrero will proudly post a picture of his banners and pennants?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:What does a missionary trip to Iran have to do with the fact that President Obama's policies influenced the gains more moderate minds made in Iran's April elections?

The promises made to Abraham used to harvest political hay in debate? Precisely what I'm talking about. Your religion co-opted by your politics.

As I have said to you now repeatedly. Spiritual truths, (particularly in this case as they pertain to prophesy, which is just history already witnessed by God Himself, but written to us who are ruled by time in the future tense) and secular truths do not contradict one another. It was you who made reference to the Beattitudes, was it not? In that reference you suggested that the Obama Administration's unappropriated tax dollar overtures to Iran, should be supported by the Church out of Christian charity. I just pointed out that I do not believe I want to fund the likes of the Ayatollah and his murderous thugs, not with my tax dollars and certainly not my charitable giving. The Iranian regime would wipe both Israel and the US off the map without hesitation. Why? Because they who worship Allah, will not tolerate any other faith. In particular though, and especially not Christianity. And what is the penalty attached to their intolerance? Oh just death by beheadings or incoming jumbo jets and such. And said intolerance, though traceable back through time to the very origins of Islam, is completely misplaced in my view seeing that there is only One true God, the God of Creation.

My reference to the Abrahamic Covenant pointed out that God will curse those who curse Israel. Now, I know there in La-La Land you all are awash in compromise and therefore absolutes seem unfair. However, God does not lie and He does not compromise. Iran as the sworn enemies of Israel will be cursed by no less than the Lord Himself, and we should not be funding Israel's or our own enemies using US dollars in any form. But since our government have chosen to bless the good folks there in Iran and slam the door on Israel, we have likely gotten ourselves on the wrong side of history as well as the wrong side of prophesy. The liberals are notorious for repackaging and relabeling and of course, revising, so it's no big surprise that you'd call the radical Islamic extremists of Iran, moderates.

But you go ahead and slam me all you want with your weak charges of a coopted Christian stand. The Framers were certainly coopted in similar terms, as the documents of our founding clearly reveal. The truth of it will stand even though the revisionist liberals to whom you subscribe, continue to do their best to pollute the US Constitution and the Scriptures with the particular leaven of your ideology.
TheRealThing Wrote:As I have said to you now repeatedly. Spiritual truths, (particularly in this case as they pertain to prophesy, which is just history already witnessed by God Himself, but written to us who are ruled by time in the future tense) and secular truths do not contradict one another. It was you who made reference to the Beattitudes, was it not? In that reference you suggested that the Obama Administration's unappropriated tax dollar overtures to Iran, should be supported by the Church out of Christian charity. I just pointed out that I do not believe I want to fund the likes of the Ayatollah and his murderous thugs, not with my tax dollars and certainly not my charitable giving. The Iranian regime would wipe both Israel and the US off the map without hesitation. Why? Because they who worship Allah, will not tolerate any other faith. In particular though, and especially not Christianity. And what is the penalty attached to their intolerance? Oh just death by beheadings or incoming jumbo jets and such. And said intolerance, though traceable back through time to the very origins of Islam, is completely misplaced in my view seeing that there is only One true God, the God of Creation.

My reference to the Abrahamic Covenant pointed out that God will curse those who curse Israel. Now, I know there in La-La Land you all are awash in compromise and therefore absolutes seem unfair. However, God does not lie and He does not compromise. Iran as the sworn enemies of Israel will be cursed by no less than the Lord Himself, and we should not be funding Israel's or our own enemies using US dollars in any form. But since our government have chosen to bless the good folks there in Iran and slam the door on Israel, we have likely gotten ourselves on the wrong side of history as well as the wrong side of prophesy. The liberals are notorious for repackaging and relabeling and of course, revising, so it's no big surprise that you'd call the radical Islamic extremists of Iran, moderates.

But you go ahead and slam me all you want with your weak charges of a coopted Christian stand. The Framers were certainly coopted in similar terms, as the documents of our founding clearly reveal. The truth of it will stand even though the revisionist liberals to whom you subscribe, continue to do their best to pollute the US Constitution and the Scriptures with the particular leaven of your ideology.

I'm not slamming you. I do think that evangelical Christians in America prooftext the Old Testament to create a relationship between Yahweh and America that does not stand up to scrutiny. I do not call that "heresy," though I find it unfortunate.

There is no nation on earth that follows the Christ of the Mount. Never has been. Never will be. In fact, when folks like Martin Luther King Jr. and, earlier, E. Stanley Jones, pointed out not only America's disavowal of practicing the Sermon on the Mount but also the overall Christian Church, both were roundly criticized and rejected by mainstream politics and religion.

As long as essential liberty and freedom of conscience are extended to all, our Constitution is just fine.

No one comes to the Father but through Christ. I believe that with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. I argue with those on the extreme left too. Through all this discussion, as iron sharpens iron, I think we are doing the very thing the Framers desired from ordinary citizens. I actually respect you a great deal, TRT, even though we often clash.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I'm not slamming you. I do think that evangelical Christians in America prooftext the Old Testament to create a relationship between Yahweh and America that does not stand up to scrutiny. I do not call that "heresy," though I find it unfortunate.

There is no nation on earth that follows the Christ of the Mount. Never has been. Never will be. In fact, when folks like Martin Luther King Jr. and, earlier, E. Stanley Jones, pointed out not only America's disavowal of practicing the Sermon on the Mount but also the overall Christian Church, both were roundly criticized and rejected by mainstream politics and religion.

As long as essential liberty and freedom of conscience are extended to all, our Constitution is just fine.

No one comes to the Father but through Christ. I believe that with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. I argue with those on the extreme left too. Through all this discussion, as iron sharpens iron, I think we are doing the very thing the Framers desired from ordinary citizens. I actually respect you a great deal, TRT, even though we often clash.

Au contraire, the relationship is there alright. We Christians (the grafted branch) are of the seed of Abraham who we may rightly refer to as our father, just as legitimately as can the Jew. The relationship as you point out above, was not with a nation as such, though we know that the Jew is God's chosen people. It is to the Father through Christ at the individual level, "to the Jew first, and then the Gentile." The Jew unfortunately rejected The Messiah. And having done so, disqualified themselves as God's right hand in delivering the Gospel Message. Enter the USA in that role, and frankly I believe that was always His providential purpose for our nation. Though it certainly looks as if owing to our national disobedience, our favored days are numbered.

He is the door of those who lived and died before His appearance here on earth, as He is those who were born after His death. The believing Jew, looked forward to the cross to claim that relationship with God, which He has made clear is not a right extended to one just because he was born a Jew. The Jew's faith was invested in the coming Messiah and His unspeakable gift to them, that being eternal life based on His sacrifice on the cross. The unbelieving Jew was and is just as lost as the heathen. The Gentile child of God looks backward to the cross, trusting in the very same thing which saves the Jew, which is accepting by faith the substitutionary and sacrificial death of Christ on the cross.

The real argument of which the revisionist is engaged, is whether America is, or was, a Christian nation or not. The conservative right believes our founding was based on Christian principles, and our system of law was based on same. We further believe God's unmistakable hand of blessing has been upon this nation from it's inception, hence our unprecedented rise among the nations in it's very short lifetime. Liberals argue against all of that, hence the rabid revisionist effort to redefine history, especially as that relates to our founding.

Pertaining to your difficulties with the extreme left. Have you seen the ads on TV for a mobile phone ap called "Let-go?" The commercial shows people in various walks of life that cling to old and unneeded junk. My advice to you is at some point you're going to have to let go. Liberalism is at odds with the validity of the tenets of Christianity because of one thing. Their love for compromise will not allow them to 'let go', and bow before a God Who does not accept compromise. Hence their insistence that a loving God would never damn somebody to Hell for example, for the sin of unrepentant homosexuality. So homosexuality becomes a birth defect, for which God could not judge them because they say, the sin of homosexuality is not a choice. Likewise, they revised the Creation story and it became the theory of Evolution. God's chosen people the Jew, became the scourge of the nations. Criminals became victims, as did those who choose not to work, etc. etc..
TheRealThing Wrote:Au contraire, the relationship is there alright. We Christians (the grafted branch) are of the seed of Abraham who we may rightly refer to as our father, just as legitimately as can the Jew. The relationship as you point out above, was not with a nation as such, though we know that the Jew is God's chosen people. It is to the Father through Christ at the individual level, "to the Jew first, and then the Gentile." The Jew unfortunately rejected The Messiah. And having done so, disqualified themselves as God's right hand in delivering the Gospel Message. Enter the USA in that role, and frankly I believe that was always His providential purpose for our nation. Though it certainly looks as if owing to our national disobedience, our favored days are numbered.

He is the door of those who lived and died before His appearance here on earth, as He is those who were born after His death. The believing Jew, looked forward to the cross to claim that relationship with God, which He has made clear is not a right extended to one just because he was born a Jew. The Jew's faith was invested in the coming Messiah and His unspeakable gift to them, that being eternal life based on His sacrifice on the cross. The unbelieving Jew was and is just as lost as the heathen. The Gentile child of God looks backward to the cross, trusting in the very same thing which saves the Jew, which is accepting by faith the substitutionary and sacrificial death of Christ on the cross.

The real argument of which the revisionist is engaged, is whether America is, or was, a Christian nation or not. The conservative right believes our founding was based on Christian principles, and our system of law was based on same. We further believe God's unmistakable hand of blessing has been upon this nation from it's inception, hence our unprecedented rise among the nations in it's very short lifetime. Liberals argue against all of that, hence the rabid revisionist effort to redefine history, especially as that relates to our founding.

Pertaining to your difficulties with the extreme left. Have you seen the ads on TV for a mobile phone ap called "Let-go?" The commercial shows people in various walks of life that cling to old and unneeded junk. My advice to you is at some point you're going to have to let go. Liberalism is at odds with the validity of the tenets of Christianity because of one thing. Their love for compromise will not allow them to 'let go', and bow before a God Who does not accept compromise. Hence their insistence that a loving God would never damn somebody to Hell for example, for the sin of unrepentant homosexuality. So homosexuality becomes a birth defect, for which God could not judge them because they say, the sin of homosexuality is not a choice. Likewise, they revised the Creation story and it became the theory of Evolution. God's chosen people the Jew, became the scourge of the nations. Criminals became victims, as did those who choose not to work, etc. etc..

Very nicely said, TRT.
TheRealThing Wrote:Au contraire, the relationship is there alright. We Christians (the grafted branch) are of the seed of Abraham who we may rightly refer to as our father, just as legitimately as can the Jew. The relationship as you point out above, was not with a nation as such, though we know that the Jew is God's chosen people. It is to the Father through Christ at the individual level, "to the Jew first, and then the Gentile." The Jew unfortunately rejected The Messiah. And having done so, disqualified themselves as God's right hand in delivering the Gospel Message. Enter the USA in that role, and frankly I believe that was always His providential purpose for our nation. Though it certainly looks as if owing to our national disobedience, our favored days are numbered.

He is the door of those who lived and died before His appearance here on earth, as He is those who were born after His death. The believing Jew, looked forward to the cross to claim that relationship with God, which He has made clear is not a right extended to one just because he was born a Jew. The Jew's faith was invested in the coming Messiah and His unspeakable gift to them, that being eternal life based on His sacrifice on the cross. The unbelieving Jew was and is just as lost as the heathen. The Gentile child of God looks backward to the cross, trusting in the very same thing which saves the Jew, which is accepting by faith the substitutionary and sacrificial death of Christ on the cross.

The real argument of which the revisionist is engaged, is whether America is, or was, a Christian nation or not. The conservative right believes our founding was based on Christian principles, and our system of law was based on same. We further believe God's unmistakable hand of blessing has been upon this nation from it's inception, hence our unprecedented rise among the nations in it's very short lifetime. Liberals argue against all of that, hence the rabid revisionist effort to redefine history, especially as that relates to our founding.

Pertaining to your difficulties with the extreme left. Have you seen the ads on TV for a mobile phone ap called "Let-go?" The commercial shows people in various walks of life that cling to old and unneeded junk. My advice to you is at some point you're going to have to let go. Liberalism is at odds with the validity of the tenets of Christianity because of one thing. Their love for compromise will not allow them to 'let go', and bow before a God Who does not accept compromise. Hence their insistence that a loving God would never damn somebody to Hell for example, for the sin of unrepentant homosexuality. So homosexuality becomes a birth defect, for which God could not judge them because they say, the sin of homosexuality is not a choice. Likewise, they revised the Creation story and it became the theory of Evolution. God's chosen people the Jew, became the scourge of the nations. Criminals became victims, as did those who choose not to work, etc. etc..
Bob Seger Wrote:Very nicely said, TRT.

Thank you sir.
"With the Jewish nation unavailable to spread the Gospel, in the year 70 AD ransacked by Rome, God then looked forward into a New World for the last days, a new nation called 'America' to finish the job of spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth." While I would not call this La La Land, I would suggest it is fantasy in terms of a worldview that can be clearly extrapolated from Scripture. This nation has been a very friendly place for God's children, ingrafted and Jewish. This hospitality is rooted in foundational principles like essential liberty and freedom of conscience. I believe America is blessed, now whether more blessed than England or France, I'll let others argue.

As for my friends on the far left, I'll pass on your suggestions and ideas. I doubt they are any more impressed with you than you are with them. I agree with you way more than they would.
Bob Seger Wrote:How about sharing that top secret info with us there, Dr. Ahmed Kissinger? You seem to be the knower of all knowledge, but the revealer of none.

Or are you just running off at the mouth again about things that you have no clue about?

"Reports I have seen" has zero to do with any claim of intelligence reports. Look up the straw man fallacy. You'll find your picture.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"With the Jewish nation unavailable to spread the Gospel, in the year 70 AD ransacked by Rome, God then looked forward into a New World for the last days, a new nation called 'America' to finish the job of spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth." While I would not call this La La Land, I would suggest it is fantasy in terms of a worldview that can be clearly extrapolated from Scripture. This nation has been a very friendly place for God's children, ingrafted and Jewish. This hospitality is rooted in foundational principles like essential liberty and freedom of conscience. I believe America is blessed, now whether more blessed than England or France, I'll let others argue.

As for my friends on the far left, I'll pass on your suggestions and ideas. I doubt they are any more impressed with you than you are with them. I agree with you way more than they would.

So, the Church flourished here because of the good graces of the state huh? Why not go for it I guess, your side have managed to politicize just about everything else. And again, essential liberty and freedom of conscience are not concepts argued for by the founders. They are heretical extensions of the liberal mind, that you've yet to even define. And thus the loop train pulls in yet again it's only stop.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"Reports I have seen" has zero to do with any claim of intelligence reports. Look up the straw man fallacy. You'll find your picture.

Ah, come on now Ahmed, just because you ran your mouth and once again cant back it up, it's no reason to get nasty.

If you're not careful you're going to fool around and ruin the stellar image I have of you.Confusednicker:
Bob Seger Wrote:Ah, come on now Ahmed, just because you ran your mouth and once again cant back it up, it's no reason to get nasty.

If you're not careful you're going to fool around and ruin the stellar image I have of you.Confusednicker:

New York Times, Newsweek, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch...not official, US government reports, but still, credible, unless, one has a two- color crayon box.

Pointing out your use of the straw man is kindly compared to your abusive ad hominem approach to scaring young people off this forum. "Junior" and "boy" and the like. Well, Straw Bob, I'll be around. I just find you amusing.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:New York Times, Newsweek, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch...not official, US government reports, but still, credible, unless, one has a two- color crayon box.

Hey, lets throw the Huffington Post or the Washington Compost in the mix of those fine non-biased publications....Why shoot, lets just look up what MSNBC has to say too.:eyeroll:

Nah, Ahmed , lets post some links from credible sources.....You're being too evasive on "spreadin the gospel" here.
TheRealThing Wrote:So, the Church flourished here because of the good graces of the state huh? Why not go for it I guess, your side have managed to politicize just about everything else. And again, essential liberty and freedom of conscience are not concepts argued for by the founders. They are heretical extensions of the liberal mind, that you've yet to even define. And thus the loop train pulls in yet again it's only stop.

I've defined them, traced them back to the Enlightenment, shown how many of the Framers were deeply influenced by goings on in France and England. I have also suggested the Framers believed the moral principles of Judaeo-Christian belief were anchor points and hoped citizens would have them as foundation. There is a train that has its whistle blowing so loud that you can't even consider you might be in error, historically and theologically.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I've defined them, traced them back to the Enlightenment, shown how many of the Framers were deeply influenced by goings on in France and England. I have also suggested the Framers believed the moral principles of Judaeo-Christian belief were anchor points and hoped citizens would have them as foundation. There is a train that has its whistle blowing so loud that you can't even consider you might be in error, historically and theologically.

Back atcha Babe!!!
Bob Seger Wrote:Hey, lets throw the Huffington Post or the Washington Compost in the mix of those fine non-biased publications....Why shoot, lets just look up what MSNBC has to say too.:eyeroll:

Nah, Ahmed , lets post some links from credible sources.....You're being too evasive on "spreadin the gospel" here.


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